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Community Development Block Grant

The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) is the largest, annual entitlement grant the City of Chattanooga receives from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The City receives approximately $2.2 million in CDBG funding, annually.

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Grant Overview

This program allows Chattanooga to develop viable communities by funding activities that provide decent housing; a suitable living environment; and expand economic opportunities, principally for low and moderate-income persons.

The grant is managed by the Department of Economic Development, Housing and Community Investment Division (HCI). Some eligible uses include administration, planning, housing, infrastructure, public improvements, blight elimination, economic development, and public services.

Funds are awarded to carry out a wide range of community development activities directed toward housing, neighborhood revitalization, economic development, and the provision of improved community facilities and services.

All projects/activities must meet one of the three national objectives of the program


Benefit low- and moderate-income persons


Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums and blight.


Address needs having a particular urgency.

Priority Areas

  • Preserve and Expand Affordable Housing Opportunities
  • Blight Elimination
  • Public Facility and
  • Homeless Services
  • Economic Development

Our Goals

  • Increase access to and supply of affordable rental housing for the City’s low- and moderate-income households.
  • Increase access to affordable homeownership opportunities for City residents
  • Increase the viability for potential homeownership opportunities
  • Increase the number and types of newly constructed, or renovated homes available on the affordable housing market
  • Preserve existing affordable housing stock.
  • Provide housing and services to special needs populations, including low-barrier housing for the homeless
  • Convert blight to productive property.
  • Provide funding for public/facility improvements, strategically coordinated with housing and community revitalization activities
  • Promote economic development activities by supporting businesses and individuals engaged in economic development activities.
  • Improve access to information about affordable housing.
  • Address zoning and other regulations that are counterintuitive to the preservation and production of affordable housing.
  • Eliminate housing discrimination and bias toward affordable housing

Contact Us

Economic Development
(423) 643-7332 (423) 643-7332