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Industrial Development Board (IDB)

Major corporations, small businesses, and entrepreneurs alike have succeeded in Chattanooga in sectors as diverse as logistics, hospitality, healthcare, tech, food and beverage.

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The Industrial Development Board (IDB) of Chattanooga was created in 1967 to support the growth of Chattanooga’s economy by assisting in the recruitment, creation, and ongoing success of economic development projects that leverage our workforce, location, and natural assets to provide good jobs and catalyze additional investment.

The Board itself has nine members, representing each of the City’s nine City Council districts. Members are appointed by their respective City Council representatives and are subject to the confirmation of the Council as a whole. 

The Board meets monthly on the first Monday of each at 11:00 a.m. ET in the John P. Franklin City Council Building, 1000 Lindsay Street, Chattanooga, TN 37403. Meeting agendas,  minutes from prior meetings, and other materials are available online and members of the public are invited to attend and address the Board.

General information for the Industrial Development Board can also be found on our Boards and Commission page here.

Agendas and Minutes

Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOTS)

Our Members

Kerry Hayes
Chairman, District 9
Althea R. Jones
Vice-Chair, District 2
Gordon Parker
Secretary, District 2
Jimmy Rodgers
Board Member, District 5
Ray Adkins
Board Member, District 1
Nadia Kain
Board Member, District 6
James Floyd
Board Member, District 3
Melody Shekari
Board Member, District 8