Reimbursement Request and Report Submission Links
Use the following links to submit your items. Please send all documents related to your request or report in one submission.
Submit Reports (Quarterly Status Reports, Section 3, Davis-Bacon, Minority/Women Owned Business, etc.)
- Reimbursement Request Authorized Signture Form (if applicable)
EPA Southside Chattanooga Lead Site Information
Grant Specific Information
Rent and Income Limits for Grants and Programs
Rental Housing - Partner Resources
- Rental Housing Compliance Guide
- Rental Property Management Plan and Responsibilities Outline
- Rental Projects Insurance Requirements
- Rental Housing Policy and Procedures (Example)
- Sample - Rental Application
- Sample - Lease Agreement
- Release of Information, Employment, and Income Verification
- Lead Disclosure (Rental Housing)
- Lead-Based Paint Pamphlet
- Lead-Based Paint Pamphlet Acknowledgement
- CDBG Rental Projects - Initial and Long-term Occupancy Report
- HOME/NSP Rental Projects - Initial Rental Compliance Report
- HOME/NSP Rental Projects - Long-Term Occupancy Report