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Department of Planning

Our Mission

Provide a comprehensive vision and guide for the community that enhances the quality of life by integrating growth with the conservation of resources. This vision will include both short and long range goals and strategies that public and private community leaders can use for implementation.

Our Vision

Advancing Great Places

Planning Divisions

Transportation Planning

Capital Planning

Office of Sustainability


The Department of Planning’s primary objective is to support the vitality and livability of the Chattanooga and Hamilton County region through an emphasis on supporting existing communities and creating “great places”. The department’s work and expertise in the areas of transportation and land use/development form two essential building blocks, including visioning, policy-making and creating new tools that shape how the region grows. The Department of Planning’s work incorporates the policy setting and visioning that occurs at the regional level down to the implementation planning that occurs at the local level.


Dan Reuter

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1250 Market St
Chattanooga,TN 37402
(423) 643-5900 (423) 643-5900