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Intersection Sight Distance

Ensure safe intersections in Chattanooga by trimming shrubs, maintaining clear sightlines, and reporting issues promptly.

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Ensuring Safe Intersections in Chattanooga

Good visibility at street intersections can prevent collisions. Every year there are serious accidents in the Chattanooga area that occur because motorists cannot see oncoming traffic as they enter an intersection.  

The Chattanooga City Code (Chapter 32, Section 34) requires that property owners keep shrubbery below 36 inches in height from the road level in an area that is termed the sight distance triangle.  This triangle is formed by the intersection of the property lines and extends 25 feet along the property line.  

Property owners can reduce their liability by keeping hedges and trees trimmed in the manner shown on the diagrams below.

The same should hold true for existing fences and newly constructed privacy fences. Fences shall not block intersection visibility in any way and must be 36 inches or lower at corners within the sight triangle. 

City Notices and Consequences

The City of Chattanooga may issue a letter to the property owner asking for compliance, within 30 days, to the above ordinance.  A court citation may be issued for non-compliance after the 30 days, which carries a maximum fine of $50.00 plus court costs.  

Contact Us

(423) 643-6311 (423) 643-6311