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Board of Zoning Appeals (BOZA)

The Board of Zoning Appeals for variances and special permits has the power to make special exceptions to the zoning regulations in the following areas: Appeals from property owners on decisions or action by an administrative official in the enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance (setbacks, landscape, parking and building height), Interpretation of Zoning Maps; Review Conditional and other Special Permits; Hear requests for variances and Special Event Permits for signs located within the City limits.

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What Are The Requirements?

When applying for a variance request, a detailed site plan is required. Any other documentation needed will be requested by Zoning Staff depending on the variance request. A Special Permit request will require a specific checklist to be submitted as well.

For a sign variance request application, a detailed site plan and sign rendering will be required.

How Do I Renew?

There is no renewal for this.

How Do I Apply?


Go to Open Gov Portal.


Click on "Apply Online".


Log In using your credentials.

If you don't have an account, sign up. It's free.


Follow the instructions on Open Gov Portal.


What Is The Cost?

Due date when the application is marked complete by the intake review

Application fee for BOZA$150

Process Details

Status Updates

All communication and updates will happen within the OpenGov portal where the application was submitted.

Processing Time

Once the application is submitted, Staff will review at intake for any potential additional documentation that would be required. After intake has been approved, the application will be ready for payment. Once payment has been received, a senior Staff member will begin the Application Review. During the application review, there will be public notification requirements that must be met. A public notification sign will have to be posted at the property 15 days before the scheduled meeting. A newspaper ad will be posted as well as public notification letters that will go out 7 days before the meeting. The day of the meeting, applicants must be present to present their case to the Board or the case will be either denied or a one-time courtesy deferral of one month will be voted on. After your case is heard, you are able to leave or stay and hear the rest of the meeting. 

The Order of Business for each case is as follows:

  1. Staff Presentation
  2. Applicant Presentation
  3. Board Questions/Discussion for Applicant
  4. Community Comments/Discussions
  5. Applicant Response
  6. Further Board Discussion
  7. Board Motion and Vote

Contact Us

Admin StaffShelby OgleContact
(423) 643-5891 (423) 643-5891
Senior StaffLevi WittContact
(423) 643-5842 (423) 643-5842