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Electrical Plant Electrician

The Limited Journeyman Plant Electrician is relegated to making electrical installations in a plant setting under the supervision of a Supervising Electrician.

Permit Expiration:

License expiration every 2 years on even year dates.

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What Are The Requirements?

Must have 3 years or 6,000 documented hours of electrical experience with an electrical contractor.

Some Conditions And Restrictions On This Application

Must have 3 years or 6,000 documented hours of electrical experience with an electrical contractor.

How Do I Renew?

Applicant will get an email before the license will expire. They can also see the expiration date on their license.

How Do I Apply?


Go to Open Gov Portal.


Click on "Apply Online".


Log In using your credentials.

If you don't have an account, sign up. It's free.


Follow the instructions on Open Gov Portal.


What Is The Cost?

1—5 electrical maintenance employees$400.00/2 years
6—14 electrical maintenance employees800.00/2 years
15 or more electrical maintenance employees1,200.00/2 years

Process Details

Status Updates

They will get emails as the process moves forward or they can get on their account and look.

Contact Us

(423) 643-5884 (423) 643-5884