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Form-Based Code Major Modification Application

Set up a meeting with a Land Development employee to review what variances are needed. If your modification request must be heard before the Committee.

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What Are The Requirements?

The following zones and standards were developed to promote urban development form that aligns with the vision and policies set forth by the Downtown, ML King, Southside, and North Shore plans. These plans define a vision for growth that is urban, mixed-use, walkable, neighborhood-friendly, and contributes to a high quality public realm.

Chattanooga's current zoning districts provide very limited options for urban development. This Downtown Code provides a set of zones and standards that are intended to be applied in several defined "Context Areas" (Sec. 38-693) where planning policy has defined a clear direction for urban development.

How Do I Apply?


Go to Open Gov Portal.


Click on "Apply Online".


Log In using your credentials.

If you don't have an account, sign up. It's free.


Follow the instructions on Open Gov Portal.


What Is The Cost? 

Form Based Code Committee - Major Modifications $150.00

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