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Local Historic District (LHD) and Local Historic Landmark (LHL)

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What Are The Requirements?

Local Historic District (LHD)

All applications for LHD designation shall be accompanied by the following materials, in addition to any other materials deemed significant by the applicant, or the Commission:

  • A map of the area proposed for nomination: the map should clearly show streets, alleys, public buildings and boundaries of the proposed district.
  • Records or reports which detail the historic significance of the proposed district.
  • Sufficient pictorial documentation of streetscapes and buildings which establish the historic character of the area.
  • A draft of the district specific design guidelines which detail criteria that applicants for COAs must meet. Such criteria for structures shall include: height, scale, massing, directional expression, setbacks, platforms, roof shape and slope, rhythm of openings, entrances, porches and building spaces, materials, and textures. District specific design guidelines shall address new construction, alterations and additions to the existing structures, demolition, and removal and relocation.
  • A legal description of the proposed district or landmark to be included.

Local Historic Landmark (LHL)

All applications for LHL designation shall be accompanied by the following materials, in addition to any other materials deemed significant by the applicant or the Commission: 

  • Records or reports which detail the historic significance of the proposed landmark.  
  • Current photographs of the landmark.  
  • A draft of the Landmark Specific Design Guidelines which detail criteria that applicants for Certificates of Appropriateness (COA) must meet. Landmark Specific Design Guidelines shall address additions and alterations, new construction on the landmark property, removal and relocation, and demolition.

How Do I Apply?

Complete the application which you can download by clicking the "Apply Now" button.

Local Historic District (LHD) and Local Historic Landmark (LHL) $150

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