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Rain Garden & Rain Barrel Reimbursement

RainSmart is a collection of programs aimed at helping Chattanooga residents become better educated on best land stewardship practices for water quality and stormwater reduction, as well as offering incentives to eligible City residents for installing rain barrels, rain gardens, native plantings, and creek-friendly yards.

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What Are The Requirements?

  • Max reimbursement of $50/rain barrel & reimbursement cap of $500/property (10 barrels)
  • Receipts for all materials required
  • Home owner must sign a 5-year maintenance agreement
  • Reimbursement cannot exceed the cost of the parts
  • Labor will not be reimbursed

Your rain barrel must have:

  • An overflow that is at least 2 inches in diameter
  • Rain barrel must hold at least 45 gallons
  • A screened inlet to prevent leaf debris and mosquitoes from entering
  • A spigot/hose within 3 inches of the bottom of the barrel
  • Must be elevated
  • Overflow must be pointed away from the foundation

Am I Eligible?

  • You need to reside within the City of Chattanooga
  • Your project should showcase a reduction in runoff
  • You are not eligible if you are presently employed by the City of Chattanooga
  • Ensure that your stormwater fee and property taxes are current
  • If you're renting, the homeowner must sign our homeowner's agreement
  • Please note that rain barrels obtained through our Rain Barrel Distribution Day* event are not eligible for reimbursement
  • For our purposes, the rain garden or rain barrel will collect rainwater from your roof via your gutter downspouts. This means you must have gutters and they must be connected to your rain garden or lead there through approved methods to be eligible for the RainSmart program

*Every year, the Stormwater Resources Program organizes an event allowing City homeowners to buy rain barrels at a subsidized price.

How Do I Apply?


Your rain barrel must be already installed and in working order


If you meet the eligibility requirements listed on this page, attach the application via email at with "RainSmart rain barrel" in the subject line

Contact Us

(423) 643-5877 (423) 643-5877