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RainSmart Yards

RainSmart Yards awards homeowners for conscientious, creek-friendly practices in and around their homes. Find out more information here:

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What Are The Requirements?

RainSmart Yards is a program offered to single-family residential properties.

Am I Eligible?

City code section 31.356.1 states that program participants are eligible for a 25%, 50%, or 75% annual stormwater fee discount if awarded a bronze, silver, or gold status, respectively, after a City evaluation of the property.

How Do I Apply?


Start the application process by clicking the "Apply Now" button. You will be directed to a WaterWays, a partner organization helping to administer the RainSmart Yards program.


What Is The Cost?  

RainSmart Yards is a FREE program!

Contact Us

(423) 643-5877 (423) 643-5877