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SupportScapes is part of RainSmart. A program that pays eligible Chattanooga residents for planting native species to mimic natural stormwater mitigation.

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What Are The Requirements?

  1. A SupportScape must be a minimum of 15 plants in a grouping.
  2. Edible native plants cannot comprise more than 25% of your SupportScape planting.
  3. A SupportScape planting must replace the lawn, turf, bare soil, areas affected by erosion, or invasive plants for the benefit of water quality and reduction of quantity.
  4. No seed mixes are currently accepted for reimbursement.
  5. Reimbursable materials are limited to native plants, topsoil, mulch, and compost.

Am I Eligible?

  • Must be a City of Chattanooga resident
  • Applicant must own the property (or have homeowner's approval)
  • If you have already planted native plants in your yard and it has been over 30 days since planting was completed, you are not eligible for reimbursement through SupportScapes for that planting
  • Cannot currently work for the City of Chattanooga
  • Must be up to date on stormwater fee and property taxes

Some Conditions And Restrictions On This Application

Install an approved SupportScape planting using the process below to receive reimbursement for 75% of your rebate-eligible costs, up to $500/property.*

  • To mimic the stormwater mitigation that occurs in natural areas
  • Promote stormwater quality and reduce its quantity by utilizing native plants to absorb and slow stormwater runoff
  • Reduction of the amount of herbicide, pesticide, and fertilizer used in residential environments that can run off into our municipal storm drain system- which leads to our creeks and streams
  • Reduction of sedimentation to our waterways via erosion using native plantings
  • Promotion of biodiversity, pollinators, natural habitat and food sources for native flora and fauna

*Reimbursement subject to approval by Stormwater Resources Program Management and must meet all criteria of the program.

How Do I Apply?


Fill out the application form.


A RainSmart representative will contact you to schedule a time for an assessment of your yard.


Identify the correct soil and light conditions to pick the best plants for a successful project.


Choose a SupportScapes planting template that fits your needs, or create your own (Template available on Resources). Submit your design to us via email to (design approval pending). Please be sure to include the scientific/Latin name of your plant species as well as the common name.


Sign our Homeowner's Agreement below:

* If you have already planted native plants in your yard and it has been over 30 days since planting was completed, you are not eligible for reimbursement for that planting through SupportScapes.

Process Details

Approval Process / Evaluation

  • Once your design has been approved, you can begin your planting project. Be sure to keep all receipts, plant tags etc. for plant ID and proof of purchase
  • We will come take photos of your completed SupportScape planting. If it has been planted correctly and we have all necessary documents, we will begin processing your reimbursement

Contact Us

(423) 643-5877 (423) 643-5877
General RainSmartContact
(423) 643-5877 (423) 643-5877