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Timber Removal Permit

The Timber Removal Permit (TRP) regulates commercial timber harvests within Chattanooga city limits (Sec. 31-325.1.) The TRP is applicable to sites ≥ one acre, and where ≥ 5,000 ft2 of tree canopy will be removed within a one year period.

Bear in mind that the TRP is not an alternative to a Land Disturbing Permit for pre-development land clearing. By applying for a TRP, the applicant certifies that proposed timber harvest is for forestry land management purposes only, and acknowledges that: revegetation is required, and no development will be permitted on the site for the three years following timber removal.

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What Are The Requirements?

Site plan showing the clearing, written Forestry Plan.

How Do I Apply?


What Is The Cost?

$250/acre or part thereof (Sec. 31-322.) and is non-refundable

Process Details

Status Updates

Open gov

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City ForesterPete StewartContact