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Customer Service

Have a question or issue regarding the City of Chattanooga’s water or sewer service? Find city contact information, wastewater treatment pricing, and answers to frequently asked questions below.

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Customer Service Contact Information

Should you have a problem with your sewer line, call 311 before you call a plumber. There could be a problem with the main line and this could save you a plumbing bill.

Swimming pool credits are no longer issued per Ordinance 11884.

Billing Questions
Call 311 or (423) 643-6311

Sewer Credits
(423) 643-7400 (Industrial/Commercial Only)

Water Bill
TAWC 866-736-6420
Hixson Utility (423) 877-3513

New Industry Location
Pretreatment Supervisor  (423) 643-7400

Sewer Leakage and Issues
Call 311 or (423) 643-6311

Sewer Location
(423) 643-7400

Sewer Taps
(423) 643-7400

Wastewater Treatment Fees

Sewer service charges are determined based on the amount of water consumption, as indicated by water meter readings. The charges are calculated in dollars for every one thousand (1,000) gallons, according to the specific water quantities outlined in the provided table.

Fiscal Year 2022 As of 10/01/2021

User Class


  Total Charges

 ($/1,000 gallons)


First 100,000



Next 650,000



Next 1,250,000



Next 30,000,000



Over 32,000,000



Based on the chart, residential sewer charges are reduced by 10% to account for non-sewer water usage like watering lawns. Homes with a dedicated meter for outdoor watering won't receive this discount on their primary meter usage. Each home or apartment is capped at a monthly sewer charge for up to 12,000 gallons of water use unless the minimum charge for the meter size is higher. In such cases, the charge matches the minimum for the meter size. There are no residential sewer credits for exceeding this cap. Industries with high BOD and solid concentrations pay extra charges and those deemed significant users must pay an annual $500 permit fee.

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