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Land Development Water Quality

Learn about Chattanooga's land development process, including site planning, construction inspection, and enforcement procedures.

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Program Overview

The City of Chattanooga and the Department of Public Works have a specialized office that provides developers with both plans review and site inspection services. This office follows a Standard Operating Procedure which corresponds with the State of Tennessee Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook.

Construction Inspection and Enforcement

Construction inspections are conducted in accordance with City of Chattanooga Stormwater Management Erosion and Sediment Inspector Manual August 31, 2004 and Construction Site inspection Standard Operating Procedures June 1, 2018. 

During the site inspection, it is the responsibility of the Soil Engineering Specialist/Inspector to ensure that all structural and non structural site sediment and erosion controls (BMPs) have been installed according to the approved plans. Site inspections are conducted on a routine basis throughout the duration of land-disturbing activity. Inspections may be scheduled based on project phase (i.e., during heavy grading activity more frequent inspections are required, once interior building activity has begun less frequent inspections are required).

A typical inspection evaluates and confirms the following elements:


Erosion and sediment control measures in the approved plan have been properly installed and maintained.


Erosion is being controlled.


Off-site sedimentation is being prevented.


No turbidity in adjacent streams is being generated.

Corrective actions for non compliant sites are ordered in accordance with the adopted Stormwater Enforcement Protocol November 18 2004.

Site Planning

All new subdivision and commercial site work is required to submit plans for review and approval prior to land-disturbing activity. New Construction plans are reviewed for compliance with applicable City land disturbance codes. For sites larger than one acre, confirmation of a State Notice of Coverage is also established prior to permit issuance. Such sites are then required to obtain a City Land-Disturbing permit before any construction activity begins. Best Management Practices "BMP's" must be installed on site before major land disturbing activity begins. Sites are required to maintain a copy of the Land-disturbing permit, Erosion and Sediment Control Plans, State permits and an approved set of plans on the job site.

The permit application may be found via:

Following approval of a site-specific permit, the developers are then required to:

Schedule pre-construction meetings with the Stormwater inspector to evaluate site perimeter erosion controls and site construction exits prior to grading activity

Properly install site erosion and sediment controls (i.e.: entrench silt fences, use approved concrete truck wash areas, maintain construction exits, storm structure inlet/outlet protection, protect stockpiled soils and locate so that natural drainage is not obstructed).

Follow approved plans; any deviation requires re-submittal and approval prior to implementation on site

Maintain self inspection reports. Inspect and repair all sediment/erosion controls before and after forecasted rain events

Initiate temporary site stabilization within 15 days of inactivity in any disturbed areas or permanent stabilization if areas remains disturbed and inactive greater than 30 consecutive days

Contact the Stormwater inspector to conduct a final inspection prior to request for a Certificate of Occupancy. Once land-disturbing activity is completed, follow-up with all final paper work such as stormwater as-built drawings, engineer’s certification form(s), "Closure Request Forms" and State Notice of Termination, etc.

Contact Us

(423) 643-6311 (423) 643-6311