About RainSmart
RainSmart is a collection of programs aimed at helping Chattanooga residents to become better educated on best land stewardship practices for water quality and stormwater reduction, as well as offering incentives to eligible city residents for installing rain barrels, rain gardens, native plantings, and becoming “creek-friendly yards”.
RainSmart Goals
- Public education and outreach on best practices for individuals and households to reduce stormwater pollution
- Encourage public involvement
- Reduction of stormwater runoff into the city’s storm sewer system
Programs included in RainSmart
Rainsmart Rain Gardens
Discover if your RainSmart Rain Garden is eligible for reimbursement by meeting all program requirements.
Rain Barrels
Chattanooga offers up to $50 rain barrel reimbursement for residents who meet eligibility criteria.
SupportScapes is a residential incentive program that reimburses eligible Chattanooga residents for installing native plants on their properties.
RainSmart Yards
This program helps residents improve waterways and earn up to 75% off their stormwater fee.
Resource Rain
Explore key resources on rainwater management in Chattanooga. Find ordinances, forms, and guides for sustainable compliance.