
What is Resource Rain?
New policies, ordinances, and codes relating to rainwater management and water quality went into effect on December 1, 2014.
It means the City of Chattanooga complies with the provisions of the NPDES MS4 Permit from the state of Tennessee. Essentially, many new and redevelopments will have to capture and infiltrate more rain on-site than ever before.
State and City Permits and Ordinances Driving Resource Rain:
- State Issued Permit NPDES Permit No. TNS068063
- City Ordinance City Code, Chapter 31;
- Ordinance 12881, accepted November 25, 2014 (final is not published). See revised ordinance below
- Revised City Ordinance City Code, Chapter 31; Ordinance 13251, effective November 29, 2017
Inspection and Maintenance (I&M) Forms for Private Stormwater Management Facilities
Explore essential forms for managing stormwater facilities on private properties.
Rainwater Management Guide (RMG)
Uncover the complete RMG for comprehensive insights into effective rainwater management practices. Access each chapter individually for detailed information and updates.
- Addendum (Effective November 29, 2017)
- Addendum #2 (Effective August 30, 2019)
- Addendum #2 Revision #1(Effective November 15, 2019)
Chapters 1 to 4
Chapter 5 Stormwater Management Practices
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2.1 Protect Undisturbed and Healthy Soils
- Preserving Landforms
- Protect Erodible Soils
- 5.2.2 Protect and Incorporate Natural Flow Paths
- 5.2.3 Protect and Preserve Riparian Corridors
- 5.2.4 Protect and Preserve Natural Vegetation
- Protect Historic or Specimen Trees
- Soil-Plant Salvage
- 5.3.1 Pervious Pavement
- 5.3.2 Infiltration Bed
- 5.3.3 Infiltration Trench
- 5.3.4 Bioretention
- 5.3.5 Vegetated Swales
- 5.3.6 Vegetated Filter Strip
- 5.3.7 Infiltration Berm
- 5.3.8 Green Roofs
- 5.3.9 Runoff Capture- Reuse
- 5.3.10 Disconnected Impervious Areas
- 5.3.11 Stormwater Planter Box
- 5.3.12 Manufactured Devices
- 5.3.13 Naturalized Basins
- 5.4.1 Recreate Natural Flow
- Naturalize Swales- Drainage
- 5.4.2 Improve Native Landscape Cover
- Change Cover Type
- 5.4.3 Amend Restore Disturbed Soils
- 5.5.1 Street Sweeping
Chapter 6 to 8
- Appendix A- Protocol 1
- Appendix B- Protocol 2
- Appendix C- Protocol 3
- Appendix D- Protocol 4
- Appendix E- Protocol 5
- Appendix F- System Specs
- Appendix G- Concept Review Meeting Application
- Appendix H- Checklists
- Appendix I- Construction Oversight Certification
- Appendix J- Post-Construction Inspection Certification
- Appendix K- Detailed Calculations Example and LID Calculation Tool
- LID Calculation Tool (Revised November 29, 2017)
- Authorized Agent Affidavit
- Stay-On Volume (SOV) Infeasibility Application (New November 29, 2017)
ASCE-EWRI Stormwater Seminar - May 7th, 2015
The American Society of Civil Engineers Tennessee chapter of the Environmental and Water Resources Institute sponsored a one-day seminar on City stormwater regulations so that the development community can further understand the regulations and requirements.