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Stormwater Control Structures

Status: In Progress



The City of Chattanooga requires measures to treat stormwater runoff. This requirement comes directly from the City's NPDES Permit. The Stormwater Management Division inspects these Stormwater Control Measures (SCMs), also known as Best Management Practices or BMPs, to ensure they are working properly.  SCMs that are maintained correctly help prevent pollutants from entering the City's streams and creeks that eventually drain to the Tennessee River. They also act as a method of flood control by detaining excess stormwater runoff and discharging it at a slower rate. This prevents the City's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) from becoming overloaded during rain events and also prevents streams from being overwhelmed with a high volume of stormwater runoff which can erode its banks. 

SCMs come in a variety of different types. The most common structures in the City are detention ponds and oil/grit separators. There are also media filters, retention ponds, constructed wetlands, and a variety of underground water quality units.  All of these structures are designed to remove pollutants from stormwater runoff before the water is discharged into the City's MS4 and the Tennessee River.


City employees inspect stormwater controls on private properties. For self-inspections, visit page Stormwater Control Measures.


  • Monitor and document existing structures as well as any new structures that are built in the city
  • Ensure proper function of stormwater control measures
  • Prevent pollutants from contaminating water bodies 
  • Mitigate flood risks by managing stormwater runoff

Contact Us

(423) 643-5877 (423) 643-5877