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Live Fire Training The Next Two Weeks

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Since it is so large, we are going to use three donated structures for our live fire training exercises. We need three in order to give all of the recruits the best hands-on training possible. As we have done in the past, the recruits will be learning about search and rescue techniques in a low visibility environment. They will also be exposed to individual room burns. This involves real fires and it's as realistic as you can get and still have a reasonable margin of safety. Finally, the plan is to burn all three structures down Friday of next week, and the Friday the week after. If you would like to cover some of this training, just let me know. To borrow a phrase I've heard in automated messages on the phone, I will facilitate your requests in the order they are received!

Here are locations where the training will occur, which will be from Feb. 13 - 24, 2017:

  1. 6825 Robin Drive
  2. 4518 Hancock Road
  3. 4520 Hancock Road

Contact Us

Fire Administration
910 Wisdom Street
Chattanooga,TN 37406
(423) 643-5600 (423) 643-5600
(423) 643-5610 (423) 643-5610