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Lt. Hinton Recovering From Heart Transplant Surgery

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Please keep Lieutenant Darrell Hinton Jr. in your thoughts and prayers as he awaits a donor for a heart transplant. Darrell is being treated at Vanderbilt Medical Center and a Go Fund Me page has been started to help with expenses. Lt. Hinton is a 20-year veteran of the CFD and works in our Fire Prevention Bureau after being recently named our newest inspector. Here is the link to support this longtime firefighter & his family:

Here's what the Go Fund Me page states: Hello, this fundraiser was recommended to assist with medical expenses. Within a matter of days, life changed for this exceptional individual. Darrell Hinton has been a firefighter with the City of Chattanooga for 20 years and was recently promoted to fire inspector. Darrell was newly listed for a heart transplant. He is currently receiving treatment at Vanderbilt Medical Center, Nashville, TN. Darrell will remain in the hospital until his transplant and several weeks later. Darrell and his wife are in Nashville, away from their two daughters, family, friends and fellow firefighters. His recovery from treatment will most likely keep him off work for some time. We are asking for help to raise funds to assist with the cost of treatment and all the expenses associated with travel, food, lodging and recovery. He has devoted his career to helping his fellow humans and now needs help. Thanks in advance for your support!

Update: On December 14, 2022, Lt. Hinton received a heart donor, underwent heart transplant surgery and he is now recovering. His family greatly appreciates all of the support and generosity they have received from so many in the community, as does the entire Chattanooga Fire Department. Please continue praying for this kind, caring, dedicated public servant. Thank you!


Darrell Hinton

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Fire Administration
910 Wisdom Street
Chattanooga,TN 37406
(423) 643-5600 (423) 643-5600
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