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Man Loses Cats And Art Collection In Morning House Fire

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Man Loses Cats and Art Collection in Morning House Fire

Mr. Lutin told firefighters he tried to put the fire out with a portable fire extinguisher. When that extinguisher was expended, he went to get another one, but when he returned the fire grew too large to put out. He got out of the house just in time, with singed hair and his face blackened from the smoke. Mr. Lutin lives alone in the house.

The Chattanooga Fire Department sent six fire companies to 6910 Franks Road. Battalion Chief Rick Boatwright said the entire attached garage was engulfed in flames and was spreading into the kitchen and attic. The firefighters fought the fire aggressively, containing the fire to the kitchen, garage, and the roof above. The rest of the house had significant smoke and heat damage. A car in the garage was also destroyed.

Mr. Lutin was checked out by paramedics with Hamilton County EMS. Aside from his singed hair, he appeared to be uninjured. He said he had four pets cats. Unfortunately, three of the four cats perished in the blaze. The fourth cat was not found.

Mr. Lutin had a collection of paintings, sculptures and other items in the house that he has acquired over the years. Many were damaged or destroyed, but a few of his collectibles appeared to be undamaged or salvageable. Chief Boatwright said the dollar loss was estimated at $250,000 for the building, and $300,000 for the contents. Captain Andrew Waters with the Fire Investigation Division said the cause of the fire appears to be accidental, most likely from an electrical malfunction. Captain Anthony Moore assisted with the investigation.

Though saddened by the loss of his cats, Mr. Lutin was happy to be alive and somewhat philosophical about his circumstances, saying "So much for the theory that this happens to other people."

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