We need your input
We are developing our 2025-2029 HUD Consolidated Plan to identify the top affordable housing, community development, economic development and supportive services for low- and moderate-low-income Chattanooga residents.
Your feedback will:
- Identify unmet needs in the community.
- Assist the City in setting priorities and designing effective strategies.
- Help prioritize activities, programs, and services for federal funding.
Take the Community Survey
This will inform the City of residents' priorities for upcoming HUD funding.
What is a Consolidated Plan?
A Consolidated Plan (Plan) is a planning document required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as a condition of receiving federal housing and community development funding. The Plan is developed every 5 years through research, data collection and community outreach.
The planning process serves as the framework for a community-wide dialogue to determine the top housing needs, community development priorities, homeless services, and gaps in supportive services for low- and moderate-income residents.
Over the next few months, Chattanooga residents, non-profit organizations, businesses, and other community stakeholders will be encouraged to share their insights and feedback through virtual and in-person community forums, and a community-wide survey.
Funding Sources
• CDBG: Community Development Block Grant
• HOME: HOME Investment Partnerships Program
Based on previous levels of funding, the City of Chattanooga anticipates receiving approximately $12 million, in total, over the next five years.
How is Federal funding used?
Community Development: Investment in public facilities, critical infrastructure, and nonprofit facility improvements.
Public/Supportive Services: Investment in programs that support improved sustainability, educational advocacy, health care services, senior services, homeless prevention, etc.
Housing: Investment in increasing and preserving affordable rental and homeowner housing for Chattanooga residents.
Homelessness: meeting the needs of persons experiencing homelessness or at-risk of becoming homeless through emergency, transitional, and permanent housing, healthcare, and support service.
Economic Development: Expand economic opportunities for residents.