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Property Tax

Tennessee law does not require the mailing of tax notices indicating the amount of taxes due. Tax notices are sent out of public courtesy, and not out of legal obligation. As such owners of property are legally presumed to know that taxes are due without personal notice. Failure to receive a tax bill does not relieve you of the responsibility to make payment on your taxes by the due date. If you did not receive a tax bill you can search for a copy of a property tax bill by using the Property tax search engine, contact us by phone at (423) 643-7262, contact us by email at, or come in person to Chattanooga City Hall at 101 E 11th St, Room 100, Chattanooga, TN 37402.


Paying Property Taxes by Mail

Property tax payments that include the original tax bill with the barcode and payment for the total amount due can be mailed from October through the last day in February to the following address:

City Treasurer
P.O. Box 191
Chattanooga, TN 37401-0191

Payments in full, partial payments, as well multiple tax bills paid with one check can be mailed to the address listed below year round:

City of Chattanooga
101 E 11th St, Room 100
Chattanooga TN 37402-4285

*If you are paying a tax bill without the original tax statement and barcode, please include your phone number, Parcel ID, Year, and specify where you want your funds allocated (Example: Taxes, Stormwater Fee, Delinquent Tax, ect.)

Unless specified otherwise, partial payments will be posted as follows
1st Stormwater Fee Interest
2nd Stormwater Fee (earliest year first)
3rd Tax Interest & Penalty
4th Real or Personalty Tax


Paying Property Taxes in Person

Payments for the total amount billed are accepted at these locations:

First Tennessee Financial Centers (First Horizon)

City of Chattanooga property taxes may be paid in full between October 1st of the year billed and the last day of February, the following year, at any First Tennessee Financial Center located in Hamilton County. AN ORIGINAL FULL TAX BILL COMPLETE WITH THE BARCODE MUST BE PRESENTED IN ORDER FOR FIRST TENNESSEE BANK TO PROCESS YOUR PAYMENT.


Payments in full, partial payments, as well multiple tax bills paid with one check can be made in person at the address listed below year round:

Chattanooga City Hall
101 E 11th St, Room 100
Chattanooga TN 37402-4285


Paying Property Taxes by Credit or Debit Card


Payments by Credit Card or Debit Card will incur the following charges whether you pay in person, online, or over the phone:

Credit or Debit card - 2.55% or $2.20 minimum

E-Check - $2.00 fee

*The City of Chattanooga retains no portion of this fee.

To look up your bill number, use the property tax search engine.

Prior year delinquent taxes that have not been turned over to Chancery Court and prior year Stormwater Fees are payable to the City of Chattanooga directly by cash or check only. If you wish to pay prior year stormwater fees by credit or debit card, please contact NRS at 1(800) 776-4600.


Delinquent Tax and Stormwater Payment Information

Property taxes unpaid a year after their due will be filed in Hamilton County Chancery Court. At the time taxes are filed in Chancery court, past due stormwater fees will be referred to a collection agency.

For Information on the Property Tax Sale or for information specific to payments made to the Clerk & Master please contact their office directly at (423) 209-6606 or visit them in person at 625 Georgia Ave, 300 Courthouse, Chattanooga, TN 37402

Prior year delinquent taxes that have not been turned over to Chancery Court and prior year Stormwater Fee are payable to the City of Chattanooga directly by cash or check only. If you wish to pay prior year stormwater fees by credit or debit card, please contact NRS at 1(800) 776-4600.


Payment Information and Fees

Current Year Taxes and Stormwater Fee can be paid by Cash, Check, Credit Card, Debit Card, or Money Order

Payments by Credit Card or Debit Card will incur the following charges whether you pay in person, online, or over the phone:

Credit or Debit card - 2.55% or $2.20 minimum

E-Check - $2.00 fee

*The City of Chattanooga retains no portion of this fee

All returned checks will incur the following returned check fees - $20.00 fee on checks up to $2,000, 1% on all checks over $2,000



City Treasurer's Office
101 East 11th Street Suite 100
Chattanooga, TN 37402  (map)
(423) 643-7262

Jamie Zurkiya, MBA, CMFO
City Treasurer
(423) 643-7262

For inquiries regarding property taxes

423-643-7262 or email

For inquiries regarding business license

423-643-7262 or email

For inquiries regarding Tax Freeze and Relief Programs

423-643-7274 or email

Photo by Maycreate