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CABR 2005

Cafr 2005This comprehensive annual financial report is divided into four major sections: introductory, financial, statistical and single audit.  The introductory section includes a transmittal letter, the City's organization chart, and a list of government officials.  The financial section includes the general purpose financial statements and the combining and individual fund and account group financial statements and schedules, as well as the independent auditor's report and the Management's Discussion and Analysis. The single audit section includes information related to the Single Audit Act of 1984 and U.S. Office of Management and Budget Circular A-133, "Audits of States and Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations." The statistical section, which is unaudited, includes selected financial and demographic information, generally presented on a multi-year basis.

DISCLAIMER:  The financial reports and statements included on this web page represent the financial position and results of operations as of and for the year ended June 30, 2005. The City of Chattanooga assumes no responsibility for updating these financial reports and statements for events which may have occurred sub sequent to the date of the auditors' report.

The City of Chattanooga has taken reasonable security measures to protect the integrity of its website and information posted thereon. Absent any unauthorized act that deletes, edits or manipulates the words or data in the financial reports and statements, such financial reports and statements are accurate as of their date.

By accessing the financial reports and statements, you agree to and acknowledge your understanding of this disclaimer.

Do you have a fast internet connection?  If so you may choose to view the CAFR in its entirety by selecting this link.  Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (3.6MB PDF Document)

If you don't have a fast internet connection, we have divided the CAFR into five separate files.  You can choose any of the following:

Introductory Section (1.63 MB - PDF File)
Financial Section (914 KB - PDF File)
Supplementary Information (362 KB - PDF File)
Statistical Section (115 KB - PDF File)
Single Audit Section (205 KB - PDF File)

To read PDF format you will need Acrobat Reader which you can get for free from Adobe.

Finance and Administration
101 East 11th Street Suite 101
Chattanooga, TN 37402(map)

Javaid Majid
City Finance Officer
(423) 643-7368

Vickie Haley
Interim Deputy Administrator
(423) 643-7370

Brian Smart, CPA, CGFM
Operations Manager

(423) 643-7390

Fredia Forshee, CPA, CGFM
Director of Management & Budget Analysis

(423) 643-7380

Photo by Maycreate