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Transforming Public Spaces

Transforming public places

Chattanooga's Transportation Department is accepting applications to transform public rights-of-way such as sidewalks, on-street parking spaces, travel lanes, and full street widths into active, inviting streets. Pedestrian-centered projects expand public spaces, calm traffic, and increase safety for people who walk, bike, and take transit. They also encourage walking and bicycling, build a sense of community, and increase foot traffic for local businesses. Organizations and business owners can use this form for a Transportation Department review of enhancement projects in the City right-of-way. Applicants will need to identify an appropriate site, show neighborhood support for the project, raise funds required for materials and installation, and provide long-term management, maintenance, and operations of the project. Transportation Department staff will work with the applicant to develop a project that makes the best use our public space.

Possible projects to bring your community to life:

Bicycle Corrals - repurposing an on-street parking space with bicycle racks—enough space for 10 bicycles to lock up in place of one car.

PS BC web

Parklets - small spaces that expand the sidewalk into parking spaces or travel lanes to provide amenities and green space.

PS Parket web

Pedestrian Plaza - creates accessible pedestrian zone in a commercial area by closing a street to most automobile traffic. Emergency vehicles have access at all times and delivery vehicles are restricted.

PS Plaza web

Resources to empower citizens in reclaiming their public space:

Please note, the following resources are for reference only. They do not necessarily reflect the policies or procedures of the City of Chattanooga.

Reclaiming Public Space in Downtown Nashville

Development Resource Center
1250 Market Street, Suite 3030 (map)
Chattanooga, TN 37402
Office Hours: 8 am to 4:30 pm
Phone: (423) 643-5950

Request new or report problems with existing traffic control devices by calling 311, (423) 643-6311, or by visiting

Photo by Phillip Stevens and Matt Lea