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Chattanooga Firefighters Fill The Boot For MDA Through Virtual Fundraiser

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The Chattanooga Fire Department and Chattanooga Fire Fighters Association Local 820 are asking for the public’s help during the current pandemic in an effort to raise critical funds to transform the lives of kids and adults with muscular dystrophy, ALS and related muscle-debilitating diseases.

Every year, members of the public see firefighters out in the community taking donations for the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) with the time-honored Fill the Boot fundraiser. But things are much different this year due to COVID 19.

Fill the Boot events have been canceled across the country and so the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) is working with MDA, launching a Virtual Fill the Boot in an attempt to raise funds that will help continue the programs and services that MDA provides. The inability to have traditional fundraising efforts has hit MDA very hard so donations through the online donor drive are greatly needed and appreciated.

Here’s the link to participate and help the Chattanooga Fire Fighters Association and CFD by donating what you can:

“Although you won’t see firefighters asking out in the streets to help fill the boot, we are going to a virtual campaign this year. It’s still very important to donate to this worthy cause. Our goal is $25,000 and we don’t want the COVID environment support for MDA,” said Chattanooga Fire Chief Phil Hyman.

Funds raised through the 2020 Fill the Boot campaign empower families with life-enhancing resources and support that open new possibilities and maximize independence so they can experience the world without any limits. Contributions have helped fund groundbreaking research and life-enhancing programs such as state-of-the-art support groups and Care Centers, including the MDA Care Center at Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville, TN.

“We are so excited to be working with the Chattanooga Fire Department and Local 820 members on this new Virtual Fill the Boot campaign to raise funds to provide life-saving assistance for children and adults with neuromuscular diseases,” said Regional Manager for Firefighter Partnerships, Holly Carroll. “COVID-19 has made this year challenging, but we are so blessed to have the support and dedication of our local firefighters who go above and beyond the call of duty for the MDA community.”

“MDA helps kids be able to live life to the fullest, even within this horrible disease that they’re facing. It’s a blessing not only to the kids, but also to their parents who get to see their children smile,” added CFD Executive Deputy Chief Seth Miller. “It’s going to look a little different this year, but we’re still asking with all of our hearts to fill that boot for us and help these kids out. It’s a long tradition for the fire department and we want to continue it even during a pandemic.”


Chattanooga firefighters Fill the Boot for MDA through virtual fundraiser

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910 Wisdom Street
Chattanooga,TN 37406
(423) 643-5600 (423) 643-5600
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