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Firefighters Head Off Major Blaze At Local Motel

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Firefighters quickly carried in a hand-held hoseline and got the fire under control within 15 minutes. No one was found in the rooms and no injuries were reported. The fire damage was limited to two suites, with the dollar loss estimated at $20,000.

Captain McCullough said there were no working smoke alarms in the affected rooms, and apparently no working fire alarm for the building, which has dozens of individual suites in that one building. Captain McCullough said the fire marshal's office was notified and would be looking into that issue. The cause of the fire remains under investigation.

Chattanooga police, Hamilton County EMS and EPB provided assistance on the scene.


Firefighters Head Off Major Blaze at Local Motel

In the photo (by Captain Scott McCullough): A ladder was raised to the third floor to provide more light for the firefighters and fire investigators.


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