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Firefighters Promoted, Applauded For Hard Work

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Several of our firefighters were promoted over the past week, advancing their careers and moving the agency forward.

Bryan Keene and Richard Pershey both became lieutenants with a ceremony and breakfast at Station 3 on Wednesday.

Fire Chief Phil Hyman recognized Lt. Keene for being passionate about his job and always being willing to teach others.

“Don’t stop here. There’s more room for you to grow in this department,” the chief added.

Lt. Pershey has always been proactive and willing to learn, the chief said.

“You’re a go-to firefighter and you’ve helped put this department on the trajectory we need to be on,” the chief told him.

Members of the command staff thanked both new lieutenants for their hard work and told them that there are more steps ahead of them in their careers.

Next, Jim Keil accepted the position of Firefighter Engineer, a well-deserved promotion, CFD leaders said.

“You’re skilled and more than ready to step into this role. You’re respected by your crew and I’m proud of you. Keep going,” Chief Hyman said.

David Cowden made Captain and he was joined by his family and crew at Station 21 for the occasion.

“You’ve been an excellent leader everywhere you’ve landed and I’m happy to see this for you,” Chief Hyman told Cowden. “This is an important position in the department and we appreciate what you’ve done to this point. We know you’ll continue to guide your fellow firefighters.”

Members of the command staff encouraged Cowden to continue being a caring leader who others can turn to as a resource.

Shane Patterson was promoted to captain last week.

“You truly care about this job. You’ve done incredible work as a lieutenant and throughout your career. You have an excellent reputation and you’re well suited for captain,” Chief Phil Hyman told Patterson. “You also have a natural leadership ability. I’m very proud of you.”

Fellow firefighters commended Patterson for his exemplary service and attitude, calling him an inspiration and a dependable coworker.

We also want to congratulate Terry Knowles on his promotion to Battalion Chief!

Terry’s family and fellow firefighters joined him at Station 1 last week to wish him well in this new role as a chief officer.

“I’ve watched your career advance and I’ve always been impressed with your leadership and professionalism,” Chief Phil Hyman told him. “This is a critical position in the department with admin and operations duties and I have no doubt in my mind that you’ll do extremely well.”

Members of the command staff commended Knowles for always being willing to step up and take on more responsibilities in order to help the department, proving his abilities time and time again throughout his 15 years with CFD.

Congrats to this great group!

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