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Lt. Bird Commended For Selfless Act

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Lt. Tiffany Bird (Quint 10 Blue Shift) helped a person in need while on duty and her kind act did not go unnoticed by her fellow firefighters. It started when a guest came to the fire hall and explained his situation. He was traveling with his family and a belt had broken in one of his tires. He told Lt. Bird that a local tire shop had a used tire for $35, but he only had $5. He had asked everyone he knew for help before turning to the fire department. Lt. Bird and her crew examined the tire and found that there was a limited amount of drive time before complete failure. The crew went to the tire shop and she purchased the stranded gentleman a tire with her own money, and didn’t accept the $5 he was willing to contribute.

“I know without a doubt that she did this in complete silence with little regard for who knew or if she was acknowledged. This action is the very core of what service means and is. Not only that, but it sets an example of an officer to a young firefighter watching and listening. Her action hit every aspect of our mission statement. She led her crew to take action to help someone in need, she served a man who was in dire need of assistance, and she trained the future leaders of our department to take action above and beyond when possible. This is a reminder of why there is pride in being a Chattanooga firefighter,” stated Firefighter Joseph Millsaps.

Thank you for your kindness and compassion, Lt. Bird!


Lt. Bird commended for selfless act

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