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Red Shift Firefighters Receive Awards

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Today, the Chattanooga Fire Department recognized members of the Red Shift with life-saving awards and letters of commendation. Fire Officers of the Year for 2019 were also honored. The pandemic impacted our awards ceremony, but the department wants these firefighters to know how much they’re appreciate for the difference they make in the community they serve.

Captain Jamey Stephens was named Fire Officer of the Year. Captain Stephens exemplifies the qualities and virtues needed to be awarded the Fire Officer of the Year Award. He checks every box of the Chattanooga Fire Department’s mission statement of “Lead, Serve, Train.” Captain Stephens leads by example in how he motivates and trains his crew on a daily basis. There is not a shift that goes by where Captain Stephens is not out engaging in some type of training with his personnel, no matter the weather or workload designated for the shift. He has expectations and standards for himself, as well as his crew, with every person being held accountable. He presents himself in public with an extremely high standard representing the Chattanooga Fire Department with pride.

The fact that for many years Captain Stephens has spent his own money to attend specialized training events to help hone his craft and bring that knowledge back to share with members of the CFD is just one of the many significant contributions he has made over the years. He takes his job very seriously, always wanting to be prepared for any incident he may encounter and completing the task to the best of his ability. Captain Stephens also serves the community on his days off as an Advanced EMT with Memorial Hospital. With that being said, he brings his best on every single call whether it be a difficulty breathing or a vehicle extrication. Captain Stephens has demonstrated these qualities over many years with a humble spirit.

Captain Skyler Phillips was also named Fire Officer of the Year! Captain Phillips has worked and developed multiple programs that benefit people throughout the State of Tennessee:

SNAP (Special Needs Assessment Program) has state-wide approval from the TN Fire Commission and he taught the program to many first responders in Southeast Tennessee

Take Me Home Program- Database for the special needs community that prevents a missing person from going to jail before their identity can be verified, signed into state law on July 15, 2019

CFD Connect Program- Social Work interns work alongside CFD personnel to reduce dependence on the 911 system by connecting residents with community resources which leaves firefighters in-service for true emergency responses.

Captain Phillips is the perfect example of a CFD officer who goes well beyond his day-to-day duties, which he also excels in, to help the most vulnerable community members increase their quality of life and prevent injuries. Plus, he continues to train emergency responders on how to interact with the special needs community.

Captain Phillips has continuously exhibited dedication above his expected duties on numerous occasions, including his involvement in the creation and implementation of the SNAP program benefitting autistic medical patients, to his current dedication to the implementation of the CFD Connect Program. These programs have extended past Captain Phillips’ efforts just at the Chattanooga Fire Department. He has also been heavily involved in the Tennessee State Legislature in getting bills passed to establish groundwork for these program to continue far into the future.

Engine 15’s crew members received life-saving medals.

Captain Danny Usher, Senior Firefighter Darin Honeycutt and Firefighter Tyler Traub were recognized for their superior performance while serving as a first responder on September 12, 2019. They responded to a reported unconscious party. Upon arrival, there was confirmed CPR in progress. Firefighters immediately took action and continued CPR as the patient was loaded for transport. Crews from HCEMS and Engine 15 continued life-saving measures during transport. The patient ultimately survived. Their quick actions saved the patient’s life.

Senior Firefighter Darin Honeycutt and Lt. Michael Battle were recognized for a call on June 5, 2019 when they responded to a reported unconscious party. They immediately assessed the patient and began CPR. The patient was quickly loaded for transport with crews from Medic 1 and Engine 15 continuing life-saving measures during transport. The patient ultimately survived.

Lt. Michael Battle was also recognized for saving a baby. On October 27, 2019, he responded to a reported infant choking. Upon arrival, Lt. Battle made patient contact. Immediate action was taken with back blows resulting in the infant regaining the ability to breathe.

Lt. Christopher Newby received a life-saving medal as well. On December 6, 2019, he responded to a reported CPR in progress. Upon arrival, the patient was assessed and responders took over CPR. Multiple cycles of CPR were performed as the party was loaded for transport. Responders assisted HCEMS and continued life-saving measures while enroute to the hospital. The patient ultimately survived.

Firefighter Joshua Smelser was awarded a life-saving medal. On December 6, 2019, he responded to a reported unconscious party. Upon arrival, the victim was found and quickly assessed. Firefighters performed CPR, used an AED and a combitube and ultimately, a pulse was restored and the patient began breathing again. The patient was loaded for transport and responders continued to assist and render care.

Quint 13 and Squad 13 responded to a residential structure fire with entrapment on 5/25/19. Due to their quick response and actions, the victim was rescued from the structure. The individuals directly involved in the rescue were nominated for life saving medals and the crews were awarded a Meritorious Unit Citation. The rescue could not have been possible without effecting people in supporting roles.

On May 25, 2019, Captain Amanda Horner, Firefighter Bryant Pollard, Firefighter Travis Burns and Firefighter Jordan Middlebrooks entered a residential structure fire on Airport Road with reports of one victim entrapped. They conducted a primary search with Captain Horner locating the victim in a bedroom. The victim was removed from the bedroom by Captain Horner and Firefighter Pollard, with Firefighter Burns and Firefighter Middlebrooks assisting with the removal of the victim from the structure. Senior Firefighter David Linam provided water for his crew members for fire suppression.

Lt. Jack Babb and Firefighter Engineer Jason Dill also received life-saving medals for a call on July 16, 2019. They responded to a reported unconscious party. Upon arrival, there was confirmed CPR in progress. Responders immediately took action performing CPR and the patient was quickly loaded for transport. The patient ultimately survived.

Firefighter Josh Hixson received a Letter of Commendation. On February 23, 2019, his professionalism and diligence in providing care and assistance to a citizen who had fallen demonstrated his dedication to serve others. Bystanders on the call were compelled to communicate their admiration for his actions.

Captain Dennis Witt was honored for his continuous dedication to the Forgotten Child Fund. For more than a decade, Captain Witt has volunteered with FCF helping to ensure that thousands of needy families across the area have gifts for their children on Christmas. 

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910 Wisdom Street
Chattanooga,TN 37406
(423) 643-5600 (423) 643-5600
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