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Update #2 On Fire At Jaycee Towers

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After conducting a fire and life safety inspection today, Fire Marshal Beau Matlock said this afternoon that more will have to be done before he considers the building safe for habitation. Chief Matlock said the sprinkler system is fully operational, but they won't be able to verify that the fire alarm system and emergency lights are working until power is fully restored.

EPB repair crews have reportedly finished their part of the repairs, but a private contractor is still installing new wiring and making other repairs. "They are working as fast as they can get the repairs done," said Chief Matlock, "and we're hopeful that the residents can return to their homes at Jaycee Towers within the original completion estimate of 72 hours." That would be around noon on Thursday. Chief Matlock stressed that unforeseen problems could still cause a delay in the estimated completion time, but that is the best estimate at this time.

Meantime, the American Red Cross of Southeast Tennessee is making plans to take care of the displaced residents for another night at the shelter set up at the South Chattanooga Recreational Center. And the Chattanooga Salvation Army will be providing meals for everyone at the shelter.


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