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The fire started around 10:30 this morning at 901 Dodson Avenue in a building that contains two businesses: the Blue Spot lounge and Mercury Cab. The fire w...
The building was shared by the Blue Spot lounge and Mercury Cab. Captain David Brooks with Engine 4 said the fire was located toward the rear of the lounge ...
Lt. Tim Greer said they located the fire in the attic and were able to extinguish the blaze in about 10 minutes. No one was injured. Lt. Greer said the caus...
Captain Jonathan Lehman with Squad 1 said heavy smoke was showing from the residence, with most of the fire located in the kitchen area. There were three re...
Lt. Henry McElvain with the Fire Investigation Division said that based on eyewitness accounts, he knew the fire started on the deck of Apartment 174 on the...
That neighbor told firefighters that he went into the house and helped two people out to the yard. By then, Chattanooga firefighters arrived on the scene. B...
The Chattanooga Fire Department responded with six fire companies. The first on the scene was Quint 17 from the fire station on Signal Mountain Boulevard. C...
The house was located in the 800 block of Dallas Road. Battalion Chief Jeff Eldridge said the house was vacant, and was fully engulfed in flames when the fi...
With flames shooting through the roof, one side of the building completely collapsed. Since there was no safe way to enter the building, Captain Schroyer s...
The first firefighters on the scene were with Engine 15. Captain Chris Fryar said flames were already shooting through the roof, but the firefighters went i...