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Battalion Chief Fredrick Blake said flames were shooting out a bedroom window when the first firefighters arrived on the scene. The firefighters quickly mad...
After the neighbor called 911, the Chattanooga Fire Department responded with five fire companies. Battalion Chief Steve Swanson said the firefighters initi...
Battalion Chief Chuck McMillian said the firefighters were able to contain the blaze to a bedroom. The rest of the house sustained serious smoke and heat da...
Shortly before 3:00 this afternoon, 911 Communications dispatched six fire companies to a reported warehouse fire at 716 E. 12th Street. There were multiple...
The funeral service was held at the New Covenant Fellowship Church on N. Moore Road, and a graveside, military service was held at National Cemetery on Holt...
Captain David Barie with Engine 9 said an employee working on sewer lines in the area was the first to discover the fire. After calling 911, he banged on th...
Captain Anthony Moore said Mr. Carloss was living in the house with his now ex-girlfriend. They had moved out of the house a while back and the house has be...
Captain Kenney Short with Engine 22 said he could only see light smoke when they arrived on the scene. Moments later however, flames appeared between a new ...
When firefighters arrived, they had to gain entry by cutting through chains at two different gates. The firefighters got the fire under control very quickly...
Here is a summary of three fires that were the most significant in terms of damage. All three started around the 10:00 p.m. timeframe: 1.      6329 Jocelyn ...